Commercial Dishwasher Q&A: Choosing The Best for Your Needs

Can you use a regular dishwasher in a commercial kitchen?

Using a regular dishwasher in a commercial kitchen is not recommended. Commercial dishwashers are designed for heavy-duty use, faster cycles (less than 3 minutes), and higher temperatures required for sanitizing dishes at a larger scale, meeting health and safety standards. Using a domestic dishwasher would leave you waiting for clean plates for over 30 minutes during a busy service period.

How many trays can i put in each cycle in a commerical dishwasher?

The majority of commercial dishwashers will allow a single tray to be cleaned each time. Usually this can hold upto 25 glasses 18 plates (if the basket is 500mmx500mm). Cycle times can be from 2 minutes to 3 minutes.

How often should you change the water in a commercial dishwasher?

The water in a commercial dishwasher should be changed regularly, usually after a lunch service or dinner service but preferably more often. Clean water ensures effective cleaning and prevents the build-up of debris. Wash tank water does not change between each cycle as it can take aroudn 45 minutes to reheat. Most commercial dishwashers use the same water to wash in (although adding detergent to each cycles) and then santising at 85C at the end of the cycle for 30 seconds. Water will become greasy over time and with debris and so needs changing as often as service allows.

How often should a commercial dishwasher be serviced?

Commercial dishwashers should be serviced regularly, ideally every 6 to 12 months depending on usage. Regular maintenance ensures optimal performance, prolongs the lifespan, and prevents potential issues in a busy kitchen environment. Using a water softener in hard water areas ensures a longer lifespan of the machine but also avoids invalidating warranties by manufacturers.

Is a commercial dishwasher worth it?

Yes, a commercial dishwasher is worth the investment for a busy kitchen. It improves efficiency, saves time, and ensures consistent cleanliness, which is crucial in a commercial setting where large volumes of dishes need to be washed daily.

What should be done with a commercial dishwasher?

A commercial dishwasher should be operated according to the manufacturer's guidelines, regularly serviced, and cleaned. Staff should be trained on proper loading procedures, and preventive maintenance tasks should be performed to ensure its efficient operation.

What is the life expectancy of a commercial dishwasher?

The life expectancy of a commercial dishwasher can vary but is typically upto 5 years. Regular maintenance, proper usage, and timely repairs can contribute to extending the lifespan of the equipment.

Can I use bleach in a commercial dishwasher?

Using bleach in a commercial dishwasher is not recommended. Commercial dishwashers require specific detergents designed for high-temperature sanitization. Bleach may damage the dishwasher and pose a risk to the cleanliness of dishes.

How much does it cost to maintain a dishwasher?

The cost of maintaining a dishwasher varies based on factors such as the type of dishwasher, frequency of use, and any required repairs. 

For a variety of commercial dishwashers, visit Easy Equipment.